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Customer Testimonials

"Fildena has been our best selling ED product on our store. Our customers have been happy with the result it produces."
- Jacqueline, Customer Relations Manager, TKS

"This is better than filagra 100 and one of the best ED pills I have had till now. It works for me"
- Steve Menezes (34), Chicago, US

"Got this free sample from a friend about a week ago, it is too good. Never experienced anything like this before."
- Mitch (42), Florida, US

"I buy filagra 25 but last time I ordered fildena 25 and am happy I did, coz it works better than one before"
- Nigel Kroner (29), New York, US

"Fildena 50 is very good pill, we tried it and were completely satisfied by its promise"
- Gwen (39) & Marty (44), Rhode Island, US

"Have been using filagra for last 4 years, the new fildena pill is more fun"
- Jacob (48), Pittsburgh, US

"Fildena is definitely a notch above the rest when it comes to performance, the pills acts faster than others and also looks and tastes better. I am not surprised to see many around hooked onto it already.
- Adrian (32), Detroit, US
I took Fildena after a dinner of hamburger, French fries, and two glasses of red vine wine. The result was total non-performance in bed one hour later! However, 4 hours later I was able to have an erection. Moral of the story: Do not eat or drink if you want Fildena to work at its maximum.
- Eddie, Age 54, California
Hi, i would like to ask if its the same thing to take a 100mg pill or 2 50mg pills? And the 100mg is more effectine than 50mg?
- Age 39, St. George
Same thing. You can also take a Fildena 100mg pill and break or cut it into two or more pieces if you want to only take a fraction of the dose.
- Jake, Age 59, Washington
I like to take Fildena so I can enjoy foreplay longer without worrying about losing my erection. Sometimes it enhances my orgasm, sometimes not. I rarely have any side effects though. I like to take it approximately 1/2 hour prior for it to take effect. Like most others I bought a splitter as 100 mg is plenty.
- Jeff, Age 54, UK
Fildena XXX chewable drugs are easy to consume and relived Erectile Dysfunction in just a consumption
- Andy F. Miami